Kramer expects hard work by Mexican leaders, counting Rosarito Beach Hugo Torres, to be thriving in rebuilding Mexico’s image, but understood the countrys nation and many of its public now are distress since of noteworthy loss of visiting the attractions dollars. He furthermore praised the Mexican army and establishment pro their successes in the effort. While the bi-national effort hostile to drug cartels is a serious lone, visitors are not embattled, Kramer understood. Consulate in Tijuana, which serves mexico cruises all of Baja. Ronald Kramer understood with the intention of publicity in this area Mexico’s war hostile to drug cartels had falsely produced the impression in the U.S. El Mexicano newspaper in a front-page story in print Monday. Today he lives in Los Angeles and says he is forbidden to return to his native people. The bloodletting occurred as a upshot of his membership with two war drug cartels.